

& Energy:

Allow your being to heal itself


prana = universal energy, life force, breath

yama = suspension of, control

Pranayama is an ancient Sanskrit term, known and practiced by yogis on the spiritual path for over a millenium. Today, many evolutions of this practice are commonly known as breathwork. The active breathwork that I facilitate supports each practitioner’s innate ability to listen to their body, and to know what they need, facilitating greater awareness on the path to sovereignty. Varying degrees of personal sensitivity, musculoskeletal structures, and energetic health allow those of every stage of life and healing to benefit, at whatever depth & pace of breathing feels most appropriate.

Physical, mental, and emotional blockages occur when one’s natural energy flow is blocked or stuck in certain areas of the body. Just about everyone holds various degrees of stuck energy, cumulating from a lifetime of experience. Just as a colon cleanse, or juice fast, can help clear out physical matter that is congesting your being and not of service to your health, active breathwork contributes to a deep energetic purge of your whole system. We have all experienced moments, particularly as young children, where we did not feel safe to express an emotion that needed to move through us. As a result, the energy of this emotion remains clogged in our system. Breathwork also attends to the clearing of stuck mental, physical, and spiritual energy. Often we are not even aware of what’s there to be moved.

Guided pranayama welcomes your full spirit into your physical being, activating, restoring, and recharging you back to a state of wholeness. The result of this practice is a deepened state of embodiment, where your ego, heart, and mind exist in balance and synergy. This practice is deeply empowering: I am just a guide to hold space for you; you are doing the work.

Himalayan Sound Healing

Each of our beings holds a blueprint of perfect health. Confronted with constant ‘energetic pollution’, overstimulation, and a culture that demands overproductivity, we rarely exist within ideal conditions for these mechanisms of inner healing to function. Periods of stillness, deep rest, and silence are all portals to deep spaces of relaxation. It can take extra self-discipline to carve out daily spaces for meditation, or to feel ‘justified’ in taking a nap when your body needs it. Healing arrives from a relaxed place. Our nervous system especially can become very tightly wound, developing its own energetic tension, keeping many of us mentally, physically, and emotionally in a ‘fight, flight, or freeze’ mode.

The playing of Himalayan sound bowls - originating in India, yet also made and practiced in Tibet & Nepal - allows remarkable access to a place of full-being restoration & energetic harmony. As everything begins to slow down, deep vibrations provide repair at the cellular level, shifting the body’s environment to one of ease, peace, and healing. An against-the-grain concept in today’s fast-paced society, the truth is that the most powerful healing happens in soft, slow, and gentle ways. Subtle energetic shifts can facilitate the most major processes of unwinding and recalibration.

Our bodies are composed of minerals + water. Essentially, we are crystalline beings. When a bowl containing water is rubbed, the entire molecular structure of the water shifts to that of a honeycomb, in perfect order and alignment. When the rubbing of these bowls occurs touching the physical body, this same crystalline restructuring is happening within.

Many recipients of Himalayan Sound Bowl therapy find themselves transported beyond the mind, beyond the body, to what might be called a “liminal” space. This is akin to the Buddhist concept of Sunyata, a space of “no-self,” or emptiness, where the perfection of wisdom is said to exist. A space without illusions or falsehoods.

Rest. Receive. Return to perfect health.

Energy Medicine

Everything is energy - frequencies constantly in flow. While pranayama and sound healing are all forms of energetic healing, my use of the term energy medicine applies to intuitively-guided, hands-on work, where the only tool is my own spiritual body, or vessel. By holding safe space via physical touch, the natural blueprint of perfect health that exists within each being is able to unwind, unfold, and rise to the surface, allowing for deep subtle healing at every layer. Each being held in this space is allowed to just fully be - in total safety - and return to the most divinely ordained state of health.

Christie's individual sound healing sessions - using primarily Nepalese bowls and chimes - are one of the most relaxing, juicy and restorative offerings I have experienced. I often sense some resistance in sound healings, but with Christie I find myself dropping in quickly, surrendering to my favorite place, namely the liminal space of deep rest and healing. - Alison, Taos

I am very discerning with whom I receive energy work from within the healing arts realms, and I feel that Christie is a pure soul. She offers a resonant stream of light and sound that assists in deep alignment with the truth of who you are…Love. -Madalyn, Taos